
Showing posts from October, 2017

The Clairemont Times: My Road Trip from Boston to San Diego: A Personal Story Part I

Before I get into my road trip from Boston to San Diego, let me introduce myself. My name is Robby McKittrick, and I recently graduated from Lafayette College in Pennsylvania. I was a psychology major and philosophy minor, but my dream and goal is to be a full-time sports journalist or sports broadcaster. So how did I wind up in San Diego? The summer before my senior year of college, I was thinking about what I wanted to do after I graduated. I could join the “real world” on the east coast and take whatever nine to five job a liberal arts major could find, or I could travel and work in a different part of the country. I love the Boston area, but I wanted to experience a place drastically different from the east coast. How did I pick San Diego? Obviously, I knew about the San Diego Zoo from the movie  Anchorman . But besides that, the warm weather, the pristine beaches, the southwestern vibe, and outdoor hiking opportunities were, of course, a draw. Once my friend an