
Showing posts from December, 2017

Hashtag Basketball: The Current State of the Boston Celtics

Hashtag Basketball: In Danny I Trust

The Clairemont Times: My Road Trip from Boston to San Diego: A Personal Story Part II

In part I of my road trip piece in the November edition of the  Clairemont Times , I introduced myself and explained why I chose to travel to San Diego from Boston.  I also described a few places where I felt that “culture shock” sensation of “I can’t believe I am here.” In this piece, I want to reflect on the idea of “finding yourself.” This term was thrown my way with a sarcastic tone anytime I told someone that I was planning a cross-country road trip to San Diego. “You mean you spent $200,000 on a college education to go to the west coast to find yourself???” Well, not exactly. You could say I heard this comment quite a bit from family, friends, neighbors, even random people at graduation parties who love sharing their opinion. It is your classic east coast comment that is a little bit harsh, kind of funny, with a mix of truth (I miss that east coast humor already). However, before I heard this phrase in relation to my west coast adventure, it was also often used by on